This document outlines a framework for developing sexual health programmes. It contextualizes an internationally agreed set of ideas concerning what constitutes sexual health and what factors influence sexual health, and discusses how the concept of sexual health can best be promoted in health programmes. This framework for programming is intended to assist anyone working to improve sexual health outcomes and so create the conditions for a sexually healthy society. In order to ensure that everyone attains the highest possible level of sexual health, the framework emphasizes the need for governments to promote healthy sexuality throughout the individual’s lifespan and to offer sexual health services that are appropriate, affordable, accessible and of good quality, to all persons and without stigma or discrimination on the basis of sex, race, ethnicity, age, lifestyle, income, sexual orientation or gender expression. This framework points to the importance of programming for sexual health across the five domains of laws, policies and human rights; education; society and culture; economics; and health. Using a multisectoral rights-based approach, it outlines elements of a programme-based response, together with key entry points for the promotion of sexual health by providing information and support for both broad-based and targeted community education initiatives.

Health and Education Resource Centre