This Education Data Brief provides an overview of the global prevalence of School-Related Gender-Based Violence (SRGBV), using recent data to illustrate the scope and scale of SRGBV worldwide. In addition, the Data Brief provides country-level statistics when available, with a focus on sub-Saharan Africa. The Data Brief is divided into two primary sections: the Prevalence of SRGBV and the Impact of SRGBV. Following overall figures, the Prevalence of SRGBV section presents data and information organized by: bullying and other forms of non-sexual intimidation; sexual violence; physical violence; and high-risk groups. The Impact of SRGBV data is organized by impact on educational outcomes; impact on physical and mental health outcomes; relationship of exposure to prolonged toxic stress and developmental/cognitive outcomes; impact on early child marriage and early pregnancy; costs of SRGBV; and data on reporting and referrals.

Health and Education Resource Centre