The pillars of this plan are the following: 1. Policy, Advocacy and Enabling Environment, 2. Coordination and Management of the Decentralized response, 3. Mitigating the Social, Cultural, Legal and Economic Impacts, 4. Prevention and Behaviour Change Communication, 5. Treatment, Care and Support, 6. Research, Surveillance, Monitoring and Education, 7. Mobilization of Resources and Funding Arrangement. The Education, Science and Sports sector is one major and critical area in which the HIV/AIDS menace can do most harm with attendant devastating effects on the economy and the future security of the country. If teachers and educators on whom the Government spends rather scarce resources and many years to train and develop should die off prematurely in their numbers, education of children and the youth would be greatly jeopardized. In this context, the critical role Education and Sports Sector has to play in the fight against the HIV/AIDS menace cannot be overemphasized. After an analysis of the situation, the plan proposes objectives, strategies and responses to the global situation.

Health and Education Resource Centre