UNICEF’s Education for HIV Prevention and Mitigation Programme (EHPM) focuses on strengthening the capacity of adolescents and communities to fulfill their rights to correct information and appropriate skills enabling them to make correct choices for HIV prevention. EHPM will contribute to a reduction in risk-behaviour among adolescents through provision of life skills education for HIV prevention and mitigate the effects of HIV/AIDS on children’s access to basic education through the development and implementation of national level systems and promotion of school-community support systems. The life skills education is for the 10 to 14 and 15 to 18 age groups, and out of school youth are engaged through AIDS Awareness Clubs. EHPM also focuses on critical issues identified by the community as determinants of high risk behaviour and involves duty bearers including parents and teachers as part of its prevention strategies. During March and April 2006, UNICEF requested that Research Facilitation Services (hereafter RFS) conduct a KAPB survey for them. The objectives of the survey (according to the conceptual frame work that was drawn up) were to: a) Develop a number of baseline indicators with which to assess the current state of HIV risk behaviour among adolescents and young Namibians aged 10 to 24; and to be used as baseline indicators against which to assess future developments; b) Develop a number of socio-emotive, socio-affective, socio-behavioural and sociorational Indices and Scales to help analyse the data and identify possible protective and risk factors for youth behaviour,
c) Identify those factors that act as protective or risk factors for specific types of behaviour, d) Build one or two models to explain and predict HIV risk behaviour among the HIV target population.
Health and Education Resource Centre