This is a report that aims at examining correlations between the HIV AIDS pandemic and child labour in Zambia. It assesses the extend to which HIV AIDS has had an impact on child labour. It analyses the impact of HIV/AIDS related child labour on the welfare of children, health, education. It assesses gender issues, survival strategies of girls and boys, child labourers awareness and knowledge of HIV. The data is useful for policy and provides intervention strategies on behalf of child labourers. This research was conducted in three provinces; Copperbelt, Eastern, and Lusaka. The sample included 306 child labourers: 211 boys and 95 girls in the five to 16-year age group. Death of parents or guardians forced children out to work and the HIV/AIDS pandemic exacerbated the extend of child labour. Child labourers were found in markets, streets, bars and pubs, shopping centres, bus stops, car parks, and resthouses and hotels. Not all child labourers were orphans and poverty was the major factor behind working children. Awareness of HIV/AIDS was reasonably prevalent, with over 86 per cent of the children recognising the dangers related to unsafe sex.

Health and Education Resource Centre