Teaching HIV/AIDS related issues are a big challenge to all teachers. Sometimes it is easy, but then there are days when you feel that you do not know what to do next. This book will give you some ideas on how to teach HIV/AIDS related issues. It will not focus on the basic facts only. The aim is to go a little bit deeper with a few HIV/AIDS related issues. For example exploring the issues around having someone in your neighbourhood with HIV/AIDS. If you feel that you would like to have more information about teaching the basic facts of HIV/AIDS, there are lots of books available, e.g. NIED’s publication “Teaching About AIDS Made Easy”. The first aim of this book is to provide tools for teachers to use educational drama in their classroom. We use HIV/AIDS as the subject, but the technique is transferable to other subjects. It is possible to use educational drama to explore many issues and subjects. The material in this book is suitable for grade 4 -12 learners. The other aim of this book is to offer information and experiences on HIV/AIDS. If your learners already know the basic information about HIV/AIDS, the exercises in this book will help them to deepen their understanding.

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