The Ministry of Education is planning for a Zambia where learners, families, educators, churches and non-governmental organizations collaborate to achieve a society free of AIDS and its stigma where the rights and dignity of all - men, women, children, and those living with AIDS - are respected. As planners for the Education Sector, it is specifically committed to responses to AIDS that result in: Schools that are safe, adequately resourced, and multi-purpose centers of hope, learning, and service in their communities. Learners who are given equal access to knowledge and skills, health care, and nutrition that sustain them in mind, body, and spirit; and who are aware of and committed to behaviours that protect them from infection. A sufficient number of Educators who are equipped and supported to teach about HIV and AIDS and are role models for responsible behaviour to their students and communities. A Ministry of Education that is a leader in a systemic government response to AIDS; fully able to provide policies, resources, and support for schools, learners, and all employees; has adequate and timely information to guide and monitor its responses to AIDS; and that participates fully in Partnerships with non-governmental and community-based organizations, other ministries, donors, communities, faith groups, and others that are based on mutual respect and shared commitment to the future of a healthy, well-educated nation that is free of AIDS. In order to work towards this vision, the following goals and objectives have been developed for specific target audiences. The Strategic Plan will feed into an Annual Work Plan with detailed priority interventions to further progress toward this more hopeful future.
Health and Education Resource Centre