The broad objective of this study is to determine the impact of HIV/AIDS on the child's well-being with a view to identifying the appropriate methods for mitigating these effects and finding objective arguments for making a case for urgent action. These objectives will be met by collecting secondary data though a review of existing documents on the subject on one part and by collecting primary data by a series of field interviews on the other hand. A socio-economic survey among urban households in Abidjan and the three regional capitals (Bouaké, Korhogo, Daloa) was conducted in order to determine the channels by which HIV/AIDS affect the society's population structure of households, their revenue and spending patterns, family and community-based strategies aimed at adapting to changes taking place in the society and in the child's health and education. A sociological survey was also conducted for socially-oriented Ministries (Health, Education and Social Affairs), representatives of NGOs, Community-based organizations and people living with HIV (PLW) in order to collect information on their perceptions, judgments and assessments on the measures and programs implemented for HIV/AIDS control in Côte d'Ivoire.

Health and Education Resource Centre