The lack of universal access to women's reproductive health services has contributed to the collective failure to be on target to achieve the MDGs by 2015. This is part and parcel of the failure to secure Universal Access by 2010 and is a major factor in the high burden of HIV and AIDS on the African continent. This report is divided into five sections: - Development of a rights-based approach to reproductive health; - Structure and limitations of the report; - Key human rights relevant to Africa, reproductive rights, and implications for HIV and AIDS; - Extent to which international and regional conventions have been ratified and domesticated by the eighteen focus countries; - Recommendations to policy makers and civil society, especially in Africa. These recommendations on the steps that the 18 focus countries need to take in order to ensure that women's reproductive rights are achieved, are presented in four areas: Provision of resources; Reproductive health and HIV; Implementation by duty bearers; Enforcement and accountability.

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