This plan provides a framework for improving the sexual reproductive health of young people, and protecting them from HIV. The plan consists of five sections: background, policy and programming, goals and guiding principles, institutional framework and monitoring and evaluation. A detailed list of likely activities and budgets is proposed. The overall goal of the National Plan of Action is improved sexual and reproductive health and prevention of new HIV infections among young people aged 10-24 in Malawi. The plan is organized around six strategic objectives. The first strategic objective seeks to create an enabling and supportive policy environment for addressing SRH and HIV Prevention for young people. It focuses on harmonizing relevant legislation and policies, and ensuring compliance with the same. Objective two seeks to increase knowledge and skills towards adoption of safer sexual practices among young people and emphasizes efforts to increase access to SRH BCC activities and materials and to improve the delivery capacity of youth serving organizations (YSO) and youth led organizations (YLO). Strategic objective three seeks an improvement in access to quality youth friendly health services and increased demand for services. This will be achieved though the improvement of M&E systems and delivery capacity of YSO and YLO. Strategic objective 4 focuses on the integration of livelihood skills development and SRH initiatives. Strategic objectives 5 and 6 are concerned with strengthening the coordination of SRH and HIV prevention initiatives, which in turn will lead to increased capacity to sustain evidence based programmes.

Health and Education Resource Centre