While considerable progress has been made in the development of policies, legislations and outcome, significant gaps in ensuring universal access to reproductive health and rights still remain. The inconsistency in the Children's Act which stipulates the marriage age at 18 and the Criminal Code which also specifies the legal age of consent regarding sex at age 16 may be a reflection of the increasing numbers of early pregnancies, infant and child mortalities, and high prevalence of HIV among girls and women among others. The abortion law does not give women the freedom to end a pregnancy and this may more often than not results in unsafe abortions with its consequent implications on maternal mortality and morbidity. Most young people in Ghana still do not have access to comprehensive sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) education regarding access to safe abortion, sexual violence, among others as they are not incorporated into the curriculum of schools. Strengthening the role of Parliament in the areas of legislation, budgeting and oversight is critical to the the successful implementation of policies on SRHR.

Health and Education Resource Centre