Study on knowledge, attitude and behaviour towards HIV/AIDS in the vocational training sector

Case Studies & Research
Botswana Training Authority
109 p.

The research on Knowledge, Attitudes and Behaviour towards HIV/AIDS in the Vocational Training Sector was carried out from January to March 2005. The research was commissioned by the Botswana Training Authority (BOTA) and conducted by Botswana Institute for Development Policy Analysis (BIDPA) on behalf of BOTA. The aim for carrying out the current research was to get a better overview of the Vocational Training Sector learner's knowledge, attitudes and behaviour towards HIV/AIDS, with specific objectives:To assess the level of knowledge about different aspects of HIV/AIDSTo examine the attitude of the study group towards HIV/AIDSTo assess the sexual behaviour and practices of these learnersTo assess scope of risk behaviour related to the possibilities of getting infected with HIVTo assess the attitudes and stigma related to HIV problemsTo identify information sources, where from data on HIV/AIDS topics are obtained and could be obtainedTo evaluate the effectiveness of existing programmes about HIV/AIDS.Lessons that emerge clearly from the study are that learners have the correct knowledge about HIV prevention and how it is transmitted. The report shows that there is a significant percentage that is not practicing the two most effective ways of preventing infection and unwanted pregnancy which are abstinence and consistent condom use. This is further compounded by the prevalence of commercial sex among learners, particularly female learners. The report also found that the majority of learners practice safe sex, but there is need for awareness programmes on the danger of unprotected sex, particularly targeted towards male learners who are in the majority of those who never refuse sex without a condom. Even more troubling is the fact that half of learners have not tested for HIV, which by itself, exposes them to the risk of infection. More encouraging is the finding that parents have started to participate more actively as a source of information on HIV/AIDS to learners. It is further encouraging noting that in a majority of cases the decision to have sex is undertaken wilfully by both partners. However in a significant percentage of cases male learners still dominates female learners in decisions relating to sex.

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