The present document Teacher education manual on HIV prevention and response is a regional pilot version designed by UNESCO Jakarta office in 2007. This manual is primarily intended for lecturers in teacher education programmes and their students, but also for education planners, head teachers and teachers. To prevent children and young adults from developing risk behaviours it is important that universities and other teacher education institutions incorporate HIV prevention and response in the entire teacher education program. That's why this manual aims to provide teachers trainers with an analytical framework and methods for teaching on HIV & AIDS and related topics in classrooms. The manual can be used in the process of formal upgrading of primary and lower secondary school teachers to ensure that HIV and AIDS become part of these efforts in South and South-East Asia. The manual is divided into five chapters: 1) role of teachers and headmasters; 2) legal and human perspective; 3) drug abuse- prevention and response in schools; 4) reproductive health, sex and sexuality; 5) HIV and AIDS prevention and response. This manual also includes a Pre-Programme Questionnaires, that will give the teachers trainers an idea of how much the teachers students and trainees know about HIV and AIDS, and a Post-Programme Questionnaires (which are identical with the Pre-Programme Questionnaires), to determine the increase of knowledge and understanding that has taken place after using the manual. The user of the manual could follow chapter by chapter or just focus on the parts that are especially relevant to them.

Health and Education Resource Centre