Namibia has a high HIV prevalence rate and as a result, the Education Sector is experiencing an increase in employee absenteeism; high attrition rate as well as low levels of productivity. The Education Sector is the nation's largest single employer engaging approximately 38 000 employees. These amongst many, comprise of managers, professionals and support staff. Some of these employees are infected or affected by the HIV and AIDS pandemic. This poses a great challenge on the financial and human resources of the education Sector. The need to develop an HIV and AIDS Workplace Policy in this regard therefore, cannot be overemphasised. The policy has four major aims: To equip managers with necessary knowledge and skills to supervise, manage and coordinate the implementation of the policy in the workplace; To provide sufficient information regarding HIV and AIDS legal aspects, treatment and nutrition as well as medical aid; To create an understanding that a healthy and happy workforce is more productive than an unhealthy and unhappy one, and; To create an enabling environment to enable managers to provide support to those infected or affected.

Health and Education Resource Centre