Senegal is mentioned by UNAIDS as best practice, since it is one of the few countries in Sub Sahara Africa with a very low HIV-prevalence, which is partly being attributed to early, far-reaching education and awareness-raising of the (young) population. This thesis does not aim to assess whether or not AIDS-education in Senegal is the cause of the low HIV-prevalence. It is aiming at gaining an insight into young people's lives and their perceptions of the severalsources of AIDS-education and information. How are young people in Senegal being informed about HIV/AIDS? What do they learn? What are their sources of information and what do they DO with this information? The focus of this thesis lies on investigating the ways that young people inform and influence each other about sexuality, STIs and HIV/AIDS within their social and heterosexual relationships. How do peers influence perceptions and behaviour of each other? The young people do the talking and describe how they use different sources of information in their daily lives. These insights are essential in founding and implementing STI/HIV/AIDS education programmes focussing on young people.

Health and Education Resource Centre