Teachers confronting the HIV epidemic: skills for teaching and survival

Programme Reports & Evaluations
24 p.

Recognizing the urgency for the education sector to respond to the HIV/AIDS epidemic, the World Health Organization (WHO), Education International (EI), and the Education Development Center, Inc. (EDC) developed a skills-based Teacher Training Program to Prevent HIV Infection and Related Discrimination. The Program trains teachers to use interactive teaching and learning methods to provide them with the skills to: 1) protect themselves, 2) advocate for HIV prevention in their schools, and 3) teach students to avoid HIV infection. A comprehensive evaluation of the Teacher Training Program to Prevent HIV Infection and Related Discrimination was launched in 2004. This report is organized around the four components of the program evaluation:1. Description of development of the Program (Formative Phase) 2. Documentation of the number of teachers trained (Program Reach) 3. Assessment of changes in teacher's knowledge, confidence, and intentions to perform and teach HIV prevention skills (Program Impact) 4. Focus group discussions with teachers (Program Implementation)

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