This series of modules has been developed to help build the conceptual, analytical and practical capacity of key staff to develop and implement effective responses in the education sector. It aims to increase access for a wide community of practitioners to information concerning planning and management in a world with HIV and AIDS; and to develop the capacity and skills of educational planners and managers to conceptualize and analyze the interaction between the epidemic and educational planning and management, as well as to plan and develop strategies to mitigate its impact. The overall objectives of the set of modules are to: present the current epidemiological state of the HIV pandemic and its present and future impact; critically analyze the state of the pandemic in relation to its effect on the education sector and on the Education for All objectives; present selected planning and management techniques adapted to the new context of HIV and AIDS so as to ensure better quality of education and better utilization of the human and financial resources involved; identify strategies for improved institutional management, particularly in critical areas such as leadership, human resource management and information and financial management; provide a range of innovative experiences in integrating HIV and AIDS issues into educational planning and management.

Centro de Recursos de Saúde e Educação