The goal of the National Sexuality Education Standards: Core Content and Skills, K–12 is to provide clear, consistent and straightforward guidance on the essential minimum, core content for sexuality education that is developmentally and age-appropriate for students in grades K–12. It also aims to address the inconsistent implementation of sexuality education nationwide and the limited time allocated to teaching the topic. Among other priorities, the Stardars intend to: provide a clear rationale for teaching sexuality education content and skills at different grade levels thatis evidence-informed, age-appropriate and theory- driven; support schools in improving academic performance by addressing a content area that is both highly relevant to students and directly related to high school graduation rates; present sexual development as a normal, natural, healthy part of human development that should be a part of every health education curriculum; offer clear, concise recommendations for school personnel on what is age-appropriate to teach students at different grade levels and; translate an emerging body of research related to school-based sexuality education so that it can be put into practice in the classroom.

Centro de Recursos de Saúde e Educação