The Higher Education Institutions’ Partnership Sub-Forum against HIV/AIDS in Ethiopia (HEI-PSFAHA) has prepared a strategic plan (SPM-I) to provide guidance for the planning and implementation of institution level HIV/AIDS and Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH) interventions. Realizing the goals and objectives of SPM-I and at the same time demonstrating achievements to relevant stakeholders require an appropriate technical design and strong implementation capacity for HEI level Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation (PME). In line with this, the forum has designed a framework for standardized comprehensive PME of HIV/AIDS and SRH interventions. The purpose of this training is therefore to equip HEIs HIV/AIDS and SRH focal persons and coordinators with the necessary knowledge and skills for the implementation of the designed PME framework. [...]This training manual is prepared with eight sections discussing wide range of concepts relevant to planning, monitoring and evaluation of HIV/AIDS and SRH interventions. Each section includes brief notes, examples and exercises. Section I describes basic concepts of M&E including definitions of commonly used terms in the field and description of different types of M&E activities. In section II, programs are defined as complex systems of actions and the role of M&E systems is discussed as part of such complex systems. The section also provides a discussion of frameworks that can be used to describe program theories with a particular focus on the program logic model. Section III presents different concepts about planning. The section includes topics on types of planning and detailed steps of the planning process. Sections IV and V discuss specific topics relevant to the design and implementation of M&E activities. Section IV presents concepts on monitoring program functionality including the dimensions of program functionality and routine program monitoring activities. Section V discusses indicators for program M&E. The section provides a set of basic steps recommended to formulate M&E indicators. Characteristics of good quality indicators are also discussed with appropriate examples from the PME framework for HIV/AIDS and SRH interventions in HEIs. Section VI and VII are dedicated to topics in program/project evaluation. In section VI, the process of designing and implementing evaluation studies is discussed. The section discusses a six steps evaluation framework developed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The section also discusses standards for program evaluation that define quality. Section VII discusses experimental, quasi-experimental and nonexperimental study designs applicable to evaluation. Section VIII introduces the PME framework for HEIs HIV/AIDS and SRH Interventions in Ethiopia.

Centro de Recursos de Saúde e Educação