This strategy provides the overall planning framework for the MoEYS response to HIV during the period 2008-2012. It is an input for the National Strategic Plan for a Comprehensive and Multisectoral Response to HIV/AIDS 2006-2010 (NSPII) as well as the Education For All (EFA), Education Strategic Plan (ESP) and Education Sector Support Programme (ESSP). The strategy aims to build on the achievements of a range of interventions that have already created capacity to mainstream HIV in the core business of the Ministry. The goal will be to reduce HIV-related vulnerability, stigmatisation and risk behaviours. There will be a strong emphasis on improving the quality and effectiveness of the core components of the education sector response to HIV, such as policy dissemination, curriculum integration, pre and in service teacher training and co-curricular programmes such as Life Skills for HIV Education (LSHE) at upper primary level.

Centro de Recursos de Saúde e Educação