During the past decade, transgender issues have become a major component of diversity programmes throughout the public service sector. Their present prominence results from continuing rapid growth in the number of transgender people who reveal their gender variance, and substantial strengthening in the laws that support and protect them. Despise the enactment of supportive legislation, transgender people continue to experience widespread discriminiation in the educational environment, in the workplace and society generally. As illustrated by the case examples appended to this toolkit, there are often the victims of transphobic bullying and crimes. Bullying, that is not dealt with promptly and effectively can escalate into criminality. As part of its crime reduction programme, the Home Office has provided this toolkit to help schools meet their obligation to combat transphobic bullying. Gender variance may be detected in children as young as two: it causes extreme stress for youngsters and their families. This is alone would impair the young person's achievements at school. Bullying severely aggravates this. Transgender members of staff also experience stress, especially if they undertake the transition from the gender role assigned to them at birth to that which accords with their gender identity. They too are the targets for transphobic bullying and crime.

Centro de Recursos de Saúde e Educação