The Doorways program is a series of manuals targeting three key audiences: teachers, students and community members. These three groups can create a critical mass in schools that will bring about transformative, lasting change. Working at the community level is central to making schools safe, and the Doorways program can be integrated into any comprehensive national or local plan to reduce gender violence.There are three manuals in the Doorways program: Doorways I: Student Training Manual on School-Related Gender-Based Violence Prevention and Response was designed for students to improve their resiliency and self-efficacy and to help them prevent and respond to SR GBV. Doorways II: Community Counselor Training Manual on School-Related Gender-Based Violence Prevention and Response was designed to train community members to help prevent and respond to SR GBV by instructing them in basic listening skills and response procedures. Doorways III: Teacher Training Manual on School-Related Gender-Based Violence Prevention and Response was designed to train teachers to help prevent and respond to SR GBV by reinforcing teaching practices and attitudes that promote a safe learning environment for all students.

Centre de Ressources sur la Santé et L'Éducation