What are the challenges an HIV positive student is facing at school? What other forms of prejudice and associated intolerance a student may be encountering? This 4-minute video produced by UNESCO, and supported by UNAIDS, gathers testimonies of young people who suffered from bullying and discrimination in the school environment because of who they are. Bringing into light the real life experiences of HIV-positive, gay, lesbian, overweight and pregnant students helps break the silence often surrounding these issues. It also helps grasp the magnitude of the problem and the need to devise an adequate response. The video invites students and teachers to embrace tolerance. Accompanied by an appropriate pedagogical guide, it will soon be used in Brazilian classrooms to generate debate about such issues and promote respect for diversity at school. The video, edited with the support of the UNESCO Brasilia Office, is officially launched by UNESCO and its partners in the International Consultation on Homophobic Bullying in Educational Institutions held in Rio de Janeiro from 6 to 8 December 2011.

Centre de Ressources sur la Santé et L'Éducation