The Study of the Education Sector Response to HIV and AIDS in Ghana provides a case study of how the challenges of the HIV and AIDS epidemic are being met by the Government of Ghana, through the Education Strategic Plan, which seeks to promote and apply multiple interventions in the formal education system in response to the epidemic and it's impact. The study shows best practices in gathering information and assessing it in order to "know your epidemic". This study provides evidence for a scientifically rigorous process that will assist with the challenge of responding to the the epidemic through the formal education system. The study showcases numerous examples of how education interventions have been implemented across the education sector which, in turn, demonstrates a comprehensive approach to the epidemic through education. The interventions evaluated and described for the purposes of this study include: universal teacher training, the training of teachers, the development of gender sensitive curricula, strategy and policy development, initiatives for PLWHA and activities to promote project harmonization.

Centre de Ressources sur la Santé et L'Éducation