Planning for Life (PFL) was implemented by the International Youth Foundation (IYF) from March 2007 to November 2009 with financial support by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). The goal of PFL is to integrate Youth Reproductive Health and Family Planning into IYF's youth development programs through increased awareness and capacity building at three operational levels: Field level pilot programs in Tanzania, India, and the Philippines; IYF National Headquarters (HQ); and among IYF Global Partners. A final process evaluation of PFL was conducted from July to September 2009. The objectives of the final evaluation are to assess if PFL has contributed to: increased family planning (FP), HIV, and reproductive health (RH) knowledge and skills of young people in the three pilot countries; increased capacity for pilot project organizational partners to implement integrated YRH/FP programs; strengthened organizational capacity of IYF Headquarters to integrate YRH/FP into youth development programs; and an increased level of YRH/FP integration knowledge among IYF's global partners (including those in pilot countries). The evaluation was also designed to explore lessons learned regarding strategies to increase integration of YRH/FP activities into broader youth projects.

Centre de Ressources sur la Santé et L'Éducation