This report is a focused update to the comprehensive 2013 report, Young People and the Law in Asia and the Pacific: A Review of Laws and Policies Affecting Young People’s Access to Reproductive Health and HIV Services. This update highlights recent policy trends and developments affecting young people’s sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) and young people’s access SRH services in the region. In particular, the review assesses whether countries recognize the evolving capacities of adolescents in their laws and policies on the age of access to contraceptives, abortion services, HIV testing services, and age of consent to sex. In addition to considering laws and policies of each country in the region, six country case studies provide more detailed descriptions of challenges and progress regarding youth SRHR across diverse policy contexts. By identifying changes in law and policy that hamper or promote young people’s SRHR, the report aims to illustrate mechanisms of positive change and offer recommendations for policy and advocacy audiences. Additionally, the report provides recommendations regarding SRHR and COVID-19 as the ongoing crisis impacts young people’s access to SRH and HIV services.

Centre de Ressources sur la Santé et L'Éducation