Young people today are exposed to a wide range of information related to sex and sexuality, most of which is misleading and incorrect. How these issues can be resolved as part of a programme that addresses key issues facing young people, is crucial in addressing related issues such as increased numbers of sexually transmitted infections (STIs), HIV/AIDS, and teenage pregnancies. Schools have increasingly been identified as safe and unbiased settings to address these issues as
places of learning and experiencing peer influence. Although Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE) related programmes have been introduced into the Pacific over the years such programmes have not been consistently sustained.
This study was carried out firstly to identify the relevance of CSE programmes in PICTs by focusing on attitudes of the key stakeholders within the Education Sector including parents, and secondly to establish whether they felt CSE related programmes should be taught in primary and secondary schools, and if so how and what should be included. The survey was implemented Nauru, Niue, Palau and Samoa in 2012 and included both focus group discussions and one on one interviews. A questionnaire (attached as Annex 1) was carried out where statistical analysis determined geographical areas and population (age group, sex, and numbers) to ensure a representation of students throughout the country. The recommendations of this report will contribute towards the implementation of a CSE programme in Samoa.

Health and Education Resource Centre