European guidelines for youth AIDS peer education

Toolkits & Guides
Malmö, Sweden
55p., illus.
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Recommandations européennes sur la prévention par les pairs en matière de sida chez les jeunes
Directrices Europeas para la Educación entre Iguales sobre el SIDA a Jóvenes
Os Jovens e a Prevenção da SIDA Guia Europeu de Educação pelos Pares

The aim of these Guidelines is to provide guidance on setting up, running and evaluating AIDS peer education projects for young people. They were written with the practitioner and policy maker in mind, but should be useful to young people or anyone else wishing to gain an understanding of the approach. The Guidelines were developed from interviews, field notes, and an exhaustive review of the AIDS peer education literature. In addition, projects were looked at in 11 European Union member states. The 5 chapters present in this document are: 1) AIDS peer education; 2) Policy making and AIDS peer education; 3) Initiating and setting up peer education projects; 4) Training and implementation; 5) Evaluating peer education projects. Also included are the field interview questions, projects interviewed for these guidelines, a charter and resolution.

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