This document is an evaluation of the UNICEF programme "Going to scale, sustained risk reduction behaviour for youth" sponsored by the Netherlands Government and realized in 2000. The programme commenced in January 1997 and extended to December 2000. This project aims at providing in and out of school youth with the necessary tools and skills to avoid risk sexual behaviour in order to reduce the HIV transmission rate. The objectives are to examine the relevance of the programme components in the context of Malawi; determine the status of the implementation of all programme components; the assessment of the effectiveness of HIV & AIDS prevention activities supported by the Netherlands Government and the identification of a possible way forward. The content is the following: introduction; the evaluation process; the evaluation; conclusions and recommendations. The project has six components : in-school curriculum- life skills education; in-school extra curricular- Anti-AIDS Clubs; out-of-school youth- Skills clubs; enabling environment support; Youth reproductive health services (Youth friendly health services); Research, monitoring, evaluation. UNICEF Malawi is recommended to review the existing HIV & AIDS information materials in primary schools, to continue the establishment of Anti-AIDS clubs in all primary and secondary schools in Malawi, and should look for ways to work together in the further development and implementation of the Life Skills Education programme and the sexuality and reproductive health curriculum in primary schools in Malawi. The objectives of the evaluations were: examine the programme's relevance in the context of Malawi; determine the status of the implementation of all programme components; assess the effectiveness of the prevention activities; and identify a possible way forward. The project proposal contains unrealistic or not measurable objectives, unclear budget lines and discrepancies between the logical framework and the text. The evaluation was done by a review of documents, focus groups discussions with stakeholders and field visits. Participants in focus group discussions included 5 girls and 5 boys from a primary school Anti-AIDS club and the chief, his deputy and 9 male members of a village youth group.

Health and Education Resource Centre