These guidelines are developed to provide coordinated, integrated and harmonized direction and approach in providing SRH/HIV/LS education by different actors, with special focus on preventive education, counselling, care and support for children and youths in learning institutions and employees at work places in order to have a common understanding in mitigating and control of HIV/STI infections, teenage and unwanted pregnancies, counselling and support of vulnerable population groups in education sector in Zanzibar. The overall objective of the guidelines is to have a concerted plan, procedure or course of action that will guide all actors or implementers of SRH/HIV/LS education in schools, learning institutions and work places under education sector in Zanzibar on how they can provide knowledge, care and support to different beneficiaries in this sector. The specific objectives are: To raise awareness of key actors in the education sector including education officers at various levels, teaching staff, students and workers in learning institutions and teachers' centres in Zanzibar on the importance of RSH/HIV/LS education; To mobilise and sensitise different SRH/HIV/LS key players on the provision of this education in learning institutions and work places in education sector in Zanzibar; To provide lines of actions to be followed by different actors; To guide teachers in learning institutions and trainers from outside these institutions on the required contents, approaches and required teaching norms in teaching SRH/HIV/LS at different levels of education; To scale up capacity building of teachers on the areas of SRH/HIV/LS for better teaching of these subjects in learning institutions and work places; To contribute to the ongoing multi-sectoral collaborations in fighting HIV and AIDS in Zanzibar; To integrate and harmonize other guidelines that were used in teaching SRH/HIV/LS education in schools; To build young people ability to live according to what is generally perceived as a good life style that is acceptable in the community, to know their life problems and mans to address them; To discourage and combat unacceptably local and cultural practices amongst young people in learning institutions that fuel the spread of HIV and STI infections; To fulfil the responsibility of providing focused and ethically accepted SRH/HIV/LS education for different age groups of learners according to their needs.

Health and Education Resource Centre