UNESCO Office in Bangkok developed this Training of Teachers Manual with Southeast Asian Ministers of ‘Education Organisation, Regional Network in Tropical Medicine and Public Health (SEAMEO TROPMED) under the project on “Quality Improvement of the Curriculum and Teaching-Learning Materials on Prevention of HIV/AIDS and Drug Abuse in Asia and the Pacific” funded by UNESCO and Trust Fund from Japan.
The manual was pilot-tested and evaluated at a Regional Training Workshop on “Preventive Education against HIV/AIDS in the School Setting” held from 18 to 23 October 1999 in Quezon City, Philippines. Health professional, Teacher Educators and Curriculum expert participated in this workshop UNESCO, New Delhi further adapted this manual to train Teacher Educators to educate pupil teachers from the Colleges of Education / Institutes of Advanced Studies in Education. This Manual has been translated into Hindi,
Marathi and Kannada languages.

Health and Education Resource Centre