The manual consists of over 50 different lesson ideas that can be used with any group (anti AIDS clubs, boys and girls clubs, youth clubs etc) by health workers, parents, teachers, community volunteers or community leaders in addressing the important related issues of behavioural change that concentrates on the development of skills needed for life such as: decision-making, resisting peer pressure, thinking, self-esteem building and relationship skills. The manual consist of five parts: 1) The Life Skills Program, where an introduction and background knowledge are presented on the fieldwork of a life skills training programme, with many references to cultural differences in approaching HIV/AIDS topics; 2) Peer Education- the authors present the concept of a peer educator, laying emphasis on the importance of using persons from the community in the implementation of the programme; 3) Facing Facts about HIV/AIDS and STDs- transmits updated information on HIV/AIDS; 4) Communication Skills - focuses on assertiveness, responding to persuasion, active listening and body language; 5) Decision-making Skills - includes assessing risk, exploring choices, understanding consequences, planning for the future, critical thinking and goal setting; 6) Relationship Skills- provides session ideas for the topics of gender, culture, peer pressure, self esteem and managing emotions; 7) Bringing It All Together- provides a tool for practicing and evaluating the life skills. The appendices provide warm-ups, games and other suggestions for making the sessions interactive, lively and fun.

Health and Education Resource Centre