The main responsibilities of the Ministry of Education include; Enrollment of all school going age children to formal education at schools ensuring "Education for All" , Provision of quality Education and Create future generation with improved physical and psychological skills. Many surveys reveal that the physical, physiological and nurtritional status of school going children make a direct or indirect impact on the students' attendance, participation in learning and performances. Therefore, it is essential to improve the nutritional level of the children of school going age. Even-though it's expected to build school going children as a group with proper nutritional status, studies have revealed that children suffer from wasting, stunting, anemia and that adversely affects their health status and educational performances. Thus the main objectives of the School Nutrition Programme are; Provide healthy and active children to the Nation minimizing nutritional problems, Inculcate good dietary habits and Promote healthy habits and to improve school attendance.
Health and Education Resource Centre