The Kenya Menstrual Hygiene Management (MHM) Strategy marks a milestone in the Country’s movement towards universal access to adequate sanitation and hygiene and a clean and healthy environment in the wake of the new Constitution of Kenya 2010 and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The Government through the Constitution 2010 and the Kenya Vision 2030, has created an enabling environment for all stakeholders to make their contributions towards our collective aspiration where every Kenyan, including women and girls enjoy high quality of life in a clean, secure and healthy environment. The goal of this Strategy is to address the needs of girls and women and to provide a vehicle to transform the MHM in Kenya, in line with the MHM policy. The Strategy provides both guidelines and an action plan where all the women and girls of Kenya will have access to better MHM options which if widely practiced will lead to a better life for all the women and girls in Kenya.

Health and Education Resource Centre