To improve the condition of adolescents in Tanzania, several gaps in health and wellbeing programmes need to be addressed immediately or in the near term. The National Accelerated Action and Investment Agenda for Adolescent Health and Wellbeing 2021/22 – 2024/25 (NAIA-AHW) builds on the National Adolescent Health and Development Strategy and lays down catalytic and accelerated actions and investments. The NAIA-AHW anchors on six pillars: (1) Preventing HIV; (2) Preventing Teenage Pregnancies; (3) Preventing Sexual, Physical and Emotional Violence; (4) Improving Nutrition; (5) Keeping Boys and Girls in School; and (6) Developing Skills for Meaningful Economic Opportunities. These pillars represent issues that affect adolescents disproportionately; areas where interventions are limited in their targeting of adolescents; and/or adolescent programmes that are not at scale. The pillars outline priority areas for investments that can ensure a productive cohort and, ultimately, a productive nation. Besides, there are cross-cutting interventions, which have the potential to achieve more than two pillars. None of these pillars should be implemented separately; although each pillar has a particular objective, the pillars are interconnected, and form one comprehensive agenda, and the combined effect of all six pillars will in the short to medium term have a positive, lasting impact on adolescent health and wellbeing.

Health and Education Resource Centre