Around the world youth often do not have access to basic sexual and reproductive health (SRH) information, skills in negotiating sexual relationships and access to affordable confidential SRH services. They lack proper knowledge about their own or their partners' sexuality, communicate very little about sex in their relationships, and believe in numerous sexual myths. In Bangladesh, youth aged 15-24 years represent approximately one-sixth (23 million) of the total population. They are at risk of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) including HIV, and unwanted pregnancy because of limited access to SRH information and services. Some of them are involved in high-risk behavior including practicing unsafe sex, and suffer from STIs. Thus, there is an urgent need for ensuring youth access to life skills education (LSE) on SRH and condom services. Considering the above situation, Population Council conducted an operations research (OR) to assess the feasibility of improving access to LSE on SRH and condom services among the male members of youth club aged 15-24 years in collaboration with Department of Youth Development (DYD), Ministry of Youth and Sports (MOYS).

Health and Education Resource Centre