This guideline has been published following the revision of the National Policy on Education Government paper in 1994. Deliberate efforts have been made to integrate HIV and AIDS education in this curriculum. The aim of this curriculum is to help primary, secondary and junior school teachers to define HIV and AIDS to their students and provide basic information on how it is transmitted. This finalized curriculum is welcome as it will provide support and guidance to teachers who have been implementing the programme without support. This curriculum is divided into seven sections with clear objectives to help teachers to deliver a lesson plan on HIV and AIDS. The guideline covers Social Guidance, Definitions of HIV and AIDS, Signs and Symptoms of HIV and AIDS, Modes of transmission, Physical differences between boys and girls, Definitions of puberty, Myths and misconceptions about HIV and AIDS, How HIV and AIDS are prevented, Role of HIV and AIDS prevention, Sexually Transmitted Infections, Symptoms and effects of STIs and Relationship between STIs and HIV and AIDS. For primary, junior and secondary school teachers, this Curriculum is considered a valuable aid to planning, implementing and evaluating good practice.

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