Report on access to treatment to HIV/AIDS in Latin America and the Caribbean. The first section of this report analyses quantitative data collected from the secretariat of the Global Fund relating to the allocation of Global Fund resources in Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, El Salvador, Paraguay, Peru, Haiti and the English-speaking Caribbean. It will present how much money has been received by organisation of people living with HIV, women living with HIV, men who have sex with men, transgenders and sex workers as sub-recipients or principal recipients; and what proportion these populations have received in comparison to other sub-recipients. Different variables will assess whether there is a relationship between the presence of key populations on country coordinating mechanisms and the amount awarded to that population group in the respective country. In its second section, the report will present the findings from over 18 interviews with key stakeholders from Latin America and the Caribbean. They were asked to recount their experience of key population participation in Global Fund grants in their respective countries. They also provided detail on barriers they believe may be limiting resources from reaching organisations of key populations. A final section will look at what specific technical support needs were identified by interviewees as required by key populations organisations to facilitate their increased participation in Global Fund grants as sub-recipients or even principal recipients. It will also include recommendations of other suggested changes that could provide a more favourable environment for the access of Global Fund resources by key population organisations.

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