The vision and goals of the Reproductive Health Communication Strategy is to achieve the national reproductive health goals as articulated in the national policy that is to enhance the reproductive health status of all Kenyans by increasing equitable access to reproductive health services, improving quality, efficiency and effectiveness of service delivery at all levels and improving responsiveness to clients. The Communication Strategy seeks to realize a number of objectives at various levels; policy, institutional and programmatic. The objectives are to:- 1. Increase the proportion of national level policy makers knowledgeable on the socio economic consequences of reproductive health and devoting more resources to the prevention, control and utilization of reproductive health services; 2. Increase the proportion of organizations collaborating and sharing resources in the planning and implementation of strategic communication programmes at the national and regional level; 3. Strengthen the capacity of DRH and linked divisions to plan and coordinate communication as a core component to support its programme goals at the national, regional and community level; 4. Increase awareness and the level of knowledge in the community about RH issues affecting them and available health solutions; 5. Increase the proportion of local level champions supporting community utilization of RH services; 6. Increase the proportion of individuals utilizing available reproductive health services under key thematic areas; 7. Increase the uptake of preventive, control and treatment services among vulnerable populations at the national, regional and community level.

Health and Education Resource Centre