In this paper, the policy platform is documented as well as the type, coverage and the effect of the school health and nutrition interventions, followed by the key areas identified for development and learning of the School Health Promotion Program (SHPP). Five priority areas have also been identified for the SHPP to invest in, so as to further integrate school health into national education policies and plans: 1. To build on and extend the platform of excellent collaboration between the Ministries of Education, Education Services and Health, so as to specifically improve data flows and to integrate monitoring activities − useful for institutionalizing and mainstreaming the SHPP within larger policy objectives. 2. For capacity building at all levels, to enable the maintenance of targeting in an increasingly complex and devolved program, so as to maximize the cost-effective and successful systems. 3. For a systematic and comprehensive data collection and information management system of reporting to and by all administrative levels, with sustained investment for modification and scale-up, so as to improve and overcome challenges of complex data flows. 4. To a complete establishment and maintenance of devolved implementation and management roles for the provincial and national ministries respectively, through effective fund disbursement mechanisms. 5. To expand and mainstream the SHPP to incorporate secondary schools, so as to maximize the educational achievement of adolescents and young adults. Addressing these five priority areas will help to ensure that the SHPP is able to respond to the changing health needs of schoolchildren.

Health and Education Resource Centre