Following the release of the World Report on violence against Children, ActionAid, Plan West Africa Regional Office (WARO), Save the Children Sweden West Africa (WA) and UNICEF West and Central Africa (WCARO) joined forces in 2008 in an Education and Child Protection initiative, with the objective of strengthening and accelerating interventions against violence in schools in West and Central Africa. Initially the objective of this selection of initiatives in the region was to document best practices in tackling, reducing and eliminating violence in schools in the region. Although many projects and programmes have been addressing the issue in recent years, few evaluations have been conducted that would enable the identification of best practices with tangible effects in reducing school-based violence. Indeed, the more studies are conducted in countries, the better we understand the complexity of the issue and the need for different approaches to address different facets of the problem in different contexts. Rather than best practices, this document therefore presents a collection of some promising initiatives that have been conducted in the region to address school-based violence.

Health and Education Resource Centre