Writing Themselves In Again - 6 years on: the 2nd national report on the sexuality, health and well-being of same sex attracted young Australians is the follow up report to a similar study conducted in 1998. The aim of the report is to find out whether the many changes in the community have improved the sexual health and well-being of same sex attracted young people (SSAY). In particular the project aimed to: 1. Document the levels of homophobia and discrimination facing SSAY today; 2. Document the impact of homophobia on young people themselves; 3. Document the support available to young people and their use of it; 4. Document young people's strategies of resistance including reframing discourse, gathering information, activism and peer support; 5. Given that homophobia causes ill-health and many interventions have taken place in Australia in the last six years, look for changes in young people's experiences and health outcomes since 1998. The first three chapters comprise the introduction, the methodology and a profile of the young people. Chapter 4 is about young people's sexual feelings and identity and Chapter 5, their sexual behaviours. Chapter 6 and Chapter 7 describe discrimination and homophobia and their impact on young people's health, including in Chapter 8, drug use. Chapter 9 is about who young people talk to and who gives them support. In In Chapter 10, we look at young people's access to sexual health information. In Chapter 11 we discuss some identity overlays that impact on young people such as culturally and linguistically diverse background, religion, gender and rurality. The final chapter, The Way Forward, concludes the report and discussed the implications of the research findings for policy and practice.

Health and Education Resource Centre