Quality education in conflict-affected countries: Translating the vision of quality education into the practical work of reconstruction. Facilitator’s manual

Learning & Teaching Materials
93 p.

This course is designed to contribute toward the reconstruction of education systems through the promotion and establishment of safe, secure and supportive learning environments where quality education is widely accessible to all learners including the broader community. Ultimately, the hope is that all countries, not just those in a post-conflict state, will take the opportunity to initiate dialogue on quality education and explore creative means for ensuring that all educational opportunities, both formal and non-formal, are opportunities that turn the vision of quality education into reality. The purpose of this manual is to help facilitators engage participants in discussing and exploring the issues related to quality education and to integrate them into their planning processes. The course is made up of six modules, each of which has a distinct function: Module 1 – Introductory session to the course; Module 2 – Quality education: Concepts and Definitions; Module 3 – Pedagogical Methods and Techniques in Quality Education; Module 4 – Case Study: Quality Education in Peace and Human Rights Education; Module 5 – Case Study: Quality Education in HIV and AIDS Education; Module 6 – Concrete applications in our work. Evaluation.

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