This report aims to document the experiences, challenges and lessons learned from AFS in Iran since 2005.
Section one provides some background to the HIV/AIDS situation in Iran describing how young people are affected and giving a brief overview of the national strategic response. Section two outlines the project goals, objectives and strategies while section three provides details of how AFS have been introduced at the national level. Section four describes the services, how they are delivered, and the steps that were taken to set up static Adolescent Friendly Centres. Section five outlines how young people have been involved and section six looks at partnerships with the community. Section seven describes how monitoring activities are being implemented and section eight identifies roles and responsibilities at local level. Section nine highlights the challenges and lessons learned from the project and section ten provides recommandations for future action. Examples and experiences are drawn from AFS in Tehran, Bam, Mashhad and Bandar Abbas.
It is anticipated that this report will be used by programme planners and managers to inform the development and scale up of HIV prevention interventions for most at risk children, youth and women and youth population, in Iran, with further possible application for the Middle East North Africa region.
Health and Education Resource Centre