This Adolescent Reproductive Health and Development Policy (ARH&D) responds to concerns about adolescents raised in the National Population Policy for Sustainable Development (NPPSD), the National Reproductive Health Strategy, the Children's Act (2001), and other national and International declarations and conventions on the health and development of adolescents and youth. The Policy Intends to bring adolescent health issues into the mainstream of health and development. The Policy examines the prevailing social, economic, cultural and demographic context of adolescent sexual and reproductive health, its implications and consequences to their health and development. As a complement to sector-specific policies and programmes, the Policy defines the structures and key target areas for ensuring that adolescent health concerns are mainstreamed in all planning activities. The goal of the Policy is to contribute to the improvement of the quality of life and well being of Kenya's adolescents and youth. The idea is to integrate their health and development concerns into the national development process, and enhance their participation in that process. The Policy outlines the objectives and targets to guide its implementation to 2015.

Health and Education Resource Centre