Based on a review of available evidence, UNESCO, in collaboration with partners, has developed recommendations to guide ministries of education (MoEs) around the world on actions that they can implement in order to prevent early and unintended pregnancy (EUP) and to ensure that pregnant and parenting girls can continue education in a safe and supportive school environment, free from violence, stigma and discrimination. Significant literature is available addressing the determinants and consequences of EUP. Despite the lack of a systematic review of studies focusing on EUP and education, a number of publications and reports have already focused on the implications of EUP for the education sector, highlighting the importance of an education sector response. However, specific recommendations on how the education sector can contribute to preventing and addressing EUP, including examples of existing good policies and practice, has been lacking to date. In order to address this, this document includes three sections: Section 1 sets the context and rationale for the education sector response to EUP. Section 2 provides specific evidence-based recommendations on how the education sector can prevent and respond to EUP. These include recommendations to ensure changes at the political and structural levels (for example, promoting relevant policy change and development), in addition to implementing changes to strengthen school-based responses. The recommendations relate to five key priority areas: promoting access to quality education for all girls; developing and implementing re-entry and continuation policies for pregnant and parenting learners; providing comprehensive sexuality education that includes a focus on gender and power and includes a component on pregnancy prevention; promoting school-based health services and links to external health services; and ensuring a safe and supportive learning environment through gender equality. Section 3 includes recommendations to ensure the sustainability of a successful response to EUP in the long term. Country case studies and examples are included throughout to illustrate the recommendations. Finally, two
appendices provide detailed information regarding the methodology for the evidence ranking that forms the basis for the recommendations in Section 2, and the corresponding results.
Health and Education Resource Centre