This document was prepared by the UNESCO Abuja (Nigeria) Task Force on Preventive Education (a body set aside, to provide advice on ways to progress with the preventive education agenda). The resource book provides access to information on HIV and AIDS and is aimed at providing guidance to the relevant sectors: governmental and non-governmental organizations, funding agencies and developmental partners, parastatals and ministries, research institutions, communities and individuals, involved in conducting activities that are aimed at reducing the spread of HIV and AIDS. It consist of nine chapters: 1) HIV and AIDS preventive education in Nigeria; 2) Curriculum models/approaches to curriculum management in HIV and AIDS preventive education; 3) Learning style, experience and appropriate institution for teachers preparation; 4) The response of non-formal sector; 5) Language issues in preventive education in Nigeria; 6) Roles of civil societies and non-governmental organizations in HIV and AIDS education; 7) The research agenda in preventive education on HIV and AIDS in Nigeria; 8) HIV and AIDS counselling: the psychological tips for counsellors and teachers; and 9) Theoretical issues in HIV and AIDS prevention.

Health and Education Resource Centre