The objectives of the Education Sector Policy on HIV and AIDS, 2013 are to: 1. Enhance knowledge on HIV and AIDS at all levels of education with a view to reducing new infection, stigma and discrimination in the education sector; 2. Provide information on comprehensive treatment, care and support to learners living with HIV, OVC and youth below 24 years; 3. Mainstream HIV and AIDS education in the curricula at all levels of education; 4. Strengthen management and leadership structures and programs at all levels to sustain quality education in the context of HIV and AIDS; 5. Ensure the work place environment is free from stigma and discrimination arising from HIV and AIDS status; 6. Institutionalize capacity building on HIV and AIDS for personnel in the education sector; 7. Develop a comprehensive communication and advocacy strategy to facilitate the response to HIV and AIDS in the education sector; 8. Promote and strengthen partnerships and linkages for the various providers of HIV and AIDS services; 9. Strengthen coordination mechanism for harmonious implementation of HIV and AIDS programmes; 10. Ensure efficient resource utilization for effective implementation of HIV programmes in the education sector; 11. Facilitate resource mobilization to implement this policy.
Ministry of Education, Science and Technology
32 p.
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