The Family Life and HIV Education for Junior Secondary Schools: Students' Handbook aims to empower young people with the knowledge and skills to live happy and healthy lives. It provides answers to many of the questions young people usually have about the physical and emotional issues they face during adolescence. The handbook covers matters like setting sexual limits, negotiating, making values-based decisions, finding help, and communicating effectively. The book is organized into twenty-seven chapters, which cover the key concepts in the approved National Family Life and HIV Education Curriculum. Chapter 1 provides and introduction to the subject matter of the handbook. Chapters 2-7 helps young people learn about their body, about adolescence, and the importance of knowing and feeling good about themselves. Chapter 8 focuses on gender issues, which are important to adolescent health and well-being. Chapters 9-15 teach about the risks of sexual activity and provide skills to refuse unwanted sexual advances. Chapters 16-21 address positive and harmful relationships and human interactions. Chapters 22-26 explore social, cultural and artistic forms in society and the ways these influence human beings and their sexuality. In Chapter 27, young people can review and reflect on all they have read and learned and what is most important to them. The last section provides an index for easy reference and a glossary of words and terms used in the book.

Health and Education Resource Centre