SAYWHAT hosted its third edition of the female Students conference at Belvedere Technical Teachers' College from the 6th to the 8th of August 2009 under the theme "Strengthening Capacity and Networks on Reproductive Health Rights". 91 female students from 35 tertiary institutions participated and managed to dialogue with female programmers from PSI, SAfAIDS, Action AID, College authorities as well as an Honorable Deputy Minister among others. The conference had the broad objective of providing space for engagement between students and key policy makers and program implementers so that there will be dialogue on the SRHR challenges female students face and recommendations on the best responses that will address the vulnerability of female students. Some of the topical issues that were discussed include the efficacy of female condoms, the sexual rights of female students, access to services, culture and its bearing to SRHR, the opportunities presented by the Constitutional reform process among others. Central to the recommendations made by the female students was the need to scale up in terms of programming and service provision on issues of SRHR and there was an acknowledgement that this requires strong networks and synergies, resource mobilization and an active role among the female students and college authorities. The stakeholders that made presentations were challenged to do more in tertiary institutions with the participants demanding the same processes of information and knowledge sharing to be decentralized to their institutions.

Health and Education Resource Centre